A flight is on its way to Sydney

A flight is headed for Sydney.

There are many jokes that feature blonde ladies and police officers, and while they are merely jokes and do not accurately portray these people’s true personalities, we sincerely hope that no blonde woman will take offense at the joke that follows. Old but still valuable.

A blonde traveling in economy class gets up and travels to the first class area before sitting down on a journey to Sydney, Australia. She is being observed by the flight attendant, who requests to see her ticket. The blonde is then informed that she will have to sit in the back because she paid for economy class.

In response, the blonde says, “I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Sydney, and I’m staying right here.” A blonde bimbo who belongs in economy is seated in first class and won’t move back to her seat, the flight attendant reports to the pilot and co-pilot as she enters the cockpit.

The co-pilot returns to the blonde and makes an effort to explain that since she just purchased economy, she will have to vacate and take a seat again. In response, the blonde says, “I’m blonde, I’m beautiful, I’m going to Sydney, and I’m staying right here.” The co-pilot advises the pilot that he should definitely have the cops ready when they land to detain this blonde woman who won’t budge. You claim she is a blonde, right? I’ll take care of it. You claim she is a blonde, right? Because I’m married to a blonde, I can handle this. I have blonde hair. After saying “Oh, I’m sorry” and getting up to return to her seat in economy, the blonde turns back to him and whispers in her ear. He is questioned by the co-pilot and flight attendant who are both astounded at how effortlessly she moved. She heard me say, “First class isn’t going to Sydney.”

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