Sleeping on your left side can bring incredible health benefits

If you’re anything like me, you won’t give your sleeping position any thought.

Imagine this scenario: you have just about enough energy to drag yourself to the bedroom and turn out the lights before you fall asleep after returning from yet another exhausting workday, playing with the kids, cooking, putting them to bed, and possibly spending some time reading a book or relaxing in front of the TV.


Naturally, timetables vary, but my point is that I’ve never really thought about how I sleep. It’s crucial that I get enough sleep before the chaos starts again tomorrow, isn’t it?

Apparently not, that is. The fact that your body is working hard when you get the recommended eight hours of sleep—or, in my experience, frequently less—may not surprise you. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to consider how you present those hours. everything down to the side you lie on, which seems so casual.


The majority of us have a favorite “sleeping style.” When we’re claiming our forty winks, that is to say, a side of preference. While some choose to sleep on their left, others choose to sleep on their right. Heck, some people lie on their backs and sleep through the night in the pharaoh pose.

However, it turns out that sleeping on your left side has a lot of possible health benefits, and we felt it only right to share a few of them with you lovely people, our cherished readers.


Where is all of this coming from, then? Actually, there are a few different internet sources, and although the side you choose to sleep on will ultimately depend on your comfort level, sleeping on your left side is supposed to help with the following:

Heartburn at Night

Sleeping on your left side may help if you have acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease. By keeping the stomach below the esophagus, this position reduces the possibility of acid refluxing into the esophagus, which frequently results in the painful feeling of heartburn.



Liver and spleen function

The function of the spleen comes next. Sleeping on your left side promotes blood flow to the organ, which enhances its ability to boost your immune system and filter contaminants from your body.

Because it is located on the right side of your body, your liver might also gain from this. Choosing to sleep on your left side helps your body handle any poisons and chemicals, which improves detoxification.

Women who are pregnant

Pregnant women should try to sleep on their left side since it facilitates the heart’s ability to circulate blood throughout the body, according to the Sleep Foundation. This is particularly crucial in the final trimester since, as was already noted, resting on one’s left side promotes heart health and relieves pressure on the liver.

Because resting on one’s back has been linked in some studies to an increased risk of late stillbirth, side-sleeping is generally thought to be safer during pregnancy.

Having a healthy bowel movement

The ileocecal valve, which joins the big and small intestines, is situated on the left side of the body. Don’t worry, I’ve never heard of that either. It has been suggested that sleeping on your left side facilitates the passage of waste products from the small to the large intestine. Gravity facilitates the process, which helps with waste removal and better bowel motions.

When to think about changing your sleeping position

Nevertheless, resting on your left side is not required, and there are several advantages to sleeping in other postures.

The most crucial thing is that you stay comfortable all night long and are ready to alter positions if you discover that a certain one isn’t working for you. Because you’re naturally placing more weight on one side while you lie in the same position for hours on end, side sleeping, for instance, might make pre-existing problems in, say, your shoulders worse.

We hope that this article has taught you something. When you sleep, do you have a favorite position? If so, please post it in the comments to help us start people talking.

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