Girl’s letter to her future self, written months before…

(A letter the girl sent months before she died to her future self.)Tim and Mary chose to open the letter even though it wasn’t meant to be opened for ten years. And everything changed after they read it.

The majority of teenagers aspire to attend college, travel, and make plenty of friends. Taylor Smith, a 12-year-old from Johnson City, Tennessee, was no exception. This girl enjoyed to watch a lot of Doctor Who and spent her days with her loved ones.

In April 2013, Smith penned a letter to her future self outlining these goals. With the note, “To be opened by Taylor Smith on April 12, 2023 only (unless said otherwise),” it was placed inside a box in her room.

Sadly, she didn’t survive long enough to witness the realization of those ambitions. Taylor passed away from complications resulting from an unexpected onset of pneumonia just a few months after writing the letter.

Tim and Mary Ellen Smith, her parents, were devastated. They were shocked to learn that their girl was gone for good.

They discovered the note one day while going through her belongings. They were so moved by it that they made the decision to post it online in order to comfort others.

“I can’t physically resurrect her, I can’t bring her back, but I’m so grateful people have been inspired by her story,” Marry Ellen wrote in her letter to her daughter.

The letter Taylor wrote to herself is included below.

To Taylor,

How are things going? Right today, life is fairly easy compared to ten years ago. As I write this, I realize I’m late for you, but congrats on your high school graduation! Go back and try again if you didn’t. Obtain your degree! Are we (you) enrolled in college? I understand if not. After all, our logic is rather sound.

Remember that today is Allana’s eleventh birthday! Eleven already? She recently turned one in my time! However, I was on my first mission trip in Cranks, Kentucky, therefore I was unable to attend that party. I’ve only returned for six days!

How is your relationship with God, by the way? Have you recently gone to serve the Lord, studied the Bible, worshipped, or prayed? Otherwise, get up and do it right away! Do it regardless of where we are in life at the moment! For you, he was ridiculed, thrashed, tormented, and crucified! A man without sin who has never wronged you or anybody else!

Have you made any other mission trips since then? Have you already traveled abroad? What about flying?

Does Doctor Who continue to air? What regeneration, if any, did they end up with? Go watch some Doctor Who, please! You must, however, finish reading your own words of wisdom later!

Have you yet to get a place of your own? What are we majoring in if we’re enrolled in college? I want to be a lawyer right now.

Have you recently visited Dollywood? The Wild Eagle is currently their newest attraction. It is a lot of fun!

Additionally, I believe I will sell my iPad and purchase an iPad mini. Remember to let your children know that we are older than the tablet! I’ve included a drawing of an iPad as well, so you can show them.

I believe that’s all. But keep in mind that I wrote this ten years ago. Both good and horrible things have happened. You have to accept that this is the way life is.

Regards, Smith, Taylor

Such lovely comments from an angel who lost her family too young!

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