During a hike, a young man made a shocking discovery.

A young man from Peterborough, England, made an astonishing discovery while hiking.

The child was gazing across a large plateau after emerging from a jungle. At one point, he entered an area with a lot of circular things that weren’t typical or part of the landscape.

During a hike, a young man made a shocking discovery.

He decided to approach them in order to learn more about them. He had been startled when he got closer! What he first thought were tennis balls were actually a lot of live chicks that hadn’t been hatching for almost a day.


During a hike, a young man made a shocking discovery.

There were several unknown people who seemed to have abandoned them there to die. Authorities have been dispatched to the scene and an investigation is underway.



During a hike, a young man made a shocking discovery.


Not all of the birds survived, but they were saved.

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