If You’ve Noticed A Blue Line Painted On The Street, Here’s What It Means

Drivers are aware of the need of paying attention to road markers.


Ignoring these indications can be deadly because doing so carries a high risk.

Residents in some areas of the United States may notice the installation of a new road marker in the coming weeks: a thin blue line that is positioned between the two yellow center lines.

It turns out that by painting this blue line on their highways, Marylanders are paying tribute to the courageous police officers who protect their towns!

This is an additional safety measure because the line leads directly to the police station.


However, it is also a considerate act to recognize the sacrifices made by law enforcement personnel who put their lives in danger every day.


Mayor Rick Sheehan recognizes the value of these police officers to his lovely beach community, which is why he is pleased that Ocean City, Maryland, has recently put these blue lines to its highways.


These cops are in charge of keeping the peace between the rowdy teens who frequent the location for parties and the elderly retirees who live there.

The yellow traffic divider lines that currently split 65th Street in Ocean City have been replaced with a line that goes straight to the headquarters of the Ocean City Police Department.

We can only hope that additional towns around the nation will opt to paint blue lines after learning about this!




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