Two Men Feared Dead in Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Tragedy befell Baltimore, Maryland, on March 26, when a cargo ship crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing it to collapse. Maynor Suazo, 37, and Miguel Luna, 49, were members of the crew that was working on the bridge at the time of the tragedy. Only two of the six guys who were tossed into the Patapsco River were saved. Among those who remained missing were Suazo and Luna.

Miguel Luna, a joyful father of three, was appreciative of the chance he had to support his family by working in construction. “We feel devastated, devastated because we have a broken heart, because we don’t know if they’ve already rescued them,” said his wife, Maria del Carmen Castellón. We’re anticipating some news.

Father of two Maynor Suazo, 37, came to the US from Honduras eighteen years ago in search of a better life. Martin, his brother, intends to return his brother’s body home. Yesica, Suazo’s mother, is in mourning at the passing of her son, who just received his college degree. Suazo was characterized by a family friend as a kind and motivated person who gave back to his community.

Heroes were the workers of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, who painstakingly filled potholes in the famous building. The guys were flung into the murky waters as the bridge collapsed due to the accident with the cargo ship, despite their best efforts. Governor Wes Moore complimented the crew’s heroics and noted that the bridge was code-compliant and structurally sound.

Our prayers are with the victims’ families as the search and recovery efforts continue. We hope that knowing that their loved ones are being praised as heroes brings them comfort.

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