Paris Jackson says she feels dad Michael Jackson “with me all the time”

Despite being only 24 years old and the second child of the renowned artist Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson has been a superstar her entire life.

After her father passed away, Paris has gone through a number of hardships. However, the talented young woman is presently focusing on her own singing career.

She has chosen to discuss her childhood with her father, dubbed the “King of Pop,” despite the highs and lows in her life. Very few people, if any, are not aware that Michael Jackson even existed.

Jackson, Michael: “King of Pop”


You realize that the title “The King of Pop” isn’t applied to you for nothing? The late singer’s life wasn’t always simple, despite the fact that we enjoy his music.

When Michael first started performing with his brothers as part of the Jackson Five, he already had domestic problems, which were exacerbated by a strict father who would quickly punish his kids for disobedience.


It’s possible to view Michael Jackson as a product, someone who was manufactured from a young age to be a singer and entertainer. That won’t alter the fact that his songwriting, dancing, and music are all flawless works of art.

The musician Michael Jackson was mourned globally after he passed away in 2009. For the most part of his life, he had been pursued by tabloid tabloids and paparazzis, and he wasn’t even spared when he was finally laid to rest.


Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris Jackson

The helicopters carrying his remains out of the Los Angeles hospital were followed by other media helicopters. There are still news reports regarding Michael Jackson and his family in every country in the world today.

These days, most of the emphasis is focused on his family. The Jackson family has become a favorite target for paparazzi, and his children in particular have been targeted.

The second kid of Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson, has grown up in the spotlight. She is now trying her hardest to set herself apart from Michael Jackson’s offspring and develop into a unique individual.

Despite the fact that she has been dealing with mental illness for a while, she is really doing really well.

Early life of Paris Jackson

Paris Jackson was born in California on April 3, 1998. She is the only child and second child of Michael Jackson.

Her early years were very secluded because she and her brother were homeschooled until the sixth grade. Michael Jackson was keen to keep the kids in their seclusion, therefore every precaution was taken to keep them safe from the public. In early photos, the youngsters in Michael’s family were either dressed in costumes or had their heads wrapped in scarves to hide their faces.

Paris and her siblings therefore had a very limited life on the Neverland Ranch. They were extremely wealthy, there’s no denying that, but it must have also been challenging.

In an interview with supermodel Naomi Campbell, Paris Jackson talked candidly about her father and her childhood.

Michael Jackson, according to her, made sure they were “cultured.”

“My father was excellent at ensuring that we were well-educated and well-cultured, rather than just exposing us to the high life, such as frequenting five-star hotels,” Paris remarked.

We were able to see everything, too. Third-world nations were seen. We observed all facets of the spectrum.

talks about her early years

During her early years, Paris Jackson lived all over the world since her father traveled the world performing in front of crowds that numbered in the hundreds of thousands.

She says she was very grateful for her “rich” upbringing. Paris also learned early on that she wasn’t entitled to anything. Her father made sure the children knew that hard effort pays off in achieving one’s goals.

“Even as a child, acquiring things was the focus,” Paris remarked. “We had to read five novels in order to receive five items from FAO Schwarz or items ‘R’ Us.

She continued, “It’s about earning it, not just feeling entitled to certain things or confident in your abilities.” “It’s like working hard for it, but it’s an accomplishment; it’s something else entirely.”

When Paris’s father passed away, she was just eleven years old.

Michael Jackson’s tragic death

“The King of Pop” went into abrupt cardiac arrest on June 25, 2009, at home. He was sent to a nearby hospital, but passed away shortly after. Katherine Jackson was given legal custody of Paris and her brothers in accordance with Michael Jackson’s will.

During the funeral service, which was televised for the entire world, 11-year-old Paris gave a brief speech about her father.

“Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine since I was born,” the woman remarked. And I simply wanted to express how much I adore him.

Paris attended the broadcast mourning service with her brothers, Prince Michael, 12, and Prince Michael II, 7. That was actually the first time that the public saw Jackson’s kids in more than a passing glance.

They were then spotted in public once more in January 2010 as they accepted their father’s posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2010 Grammy Awards.

After Neverland: The life of Paris Jackson

Paris talked about her father, calling him “amazing,” when she appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show in November of that same year.

She said to Winfrey, “I kind of felt like no one understood what a good father he was, he was the best cook ever.” “He was just an ordinary father.”

Paris went on, “He made the best French toast in the world.”

Following the death of Michael Jackson, Paris Jackson and her grandmother Katherine Jackson relocated to a mansion in Calabasas, California, along with other family members.

She made the decision to move into Michael Jackson’s private studio at the family compound when she reached 19, and she furnished it like a dorm room.

Even now, losing your father is difficult. However, it was much more than that for Paris. She was suddenly expected to continue her father’s legacy.

“I attempted to mature too quickly.”

Paris made the decision to attend a private school when she started the seventh grade. It didn’t work out well because at this point the older kids were the only ones who accepted her for who she was.

“A lot of the things I was doing were inappropriate for a 13-, 14-, or 15-year-old. She says, “I wasn’t really that nice of a person, and I tried to grow up too fast.”

Paris had to deal with cyberbullying at the same time as social media had become popular.

“It’s all about the freedom of speech,” she said. “However, I don’t think that when our Founding Fathers drafted all of these amendments and stuff, they anticipated social media.”

When Paris was a teenager, she experienced a lot of trauma. After a pretty terrible episode, she even attempted suicide, but that was also a bit of a turning point.

It was fantastic for her that she attended a therapeutic school in Utah for her sophomore and half of her junior years.

She declared, “I’m a whole different person.” “I was deranged. I was really insane; I was experiencing a lot of typical teenage turmoil. In addition, I was managing my anxiety and sadness on my own without assistance.

The career of Paris Jackson

Even though Paris graduated from high school one year ahead of schedule in 2015, she was already rather stressed. Despite having done nothing, she was viewed as a celebrity by everyone because she was one of the heirs of Michel Jackson’s billion-dollar fortune.

However, Jackson is currently moving in the same route as her father, which is the entertainment industry. She has heeded her father’s counsel to the letter: you have to work for what you desire. Paris declared that she was a “full believer” in the idea that she should achieve success on her own during the Naomi Campbell interview.

We genuinely love Paris for this, given she is the kid of one of the most well-known figures in contemporary history and was born into absurd fortune. She wants to follow her own path regardless of her father’s identity or the events of her past.

Aside from her siblings, she was raised exclusively by grownups. For her, attending a normal school after leaving Neverland was a significant adjustment. Although she was raised as Michael Jackson’s child, she saw the world as more than that. And it was very difficult at first.

“I was astonished to learn about the real world once I was exposed to it. It completely amazed me,” Paris said. Not only was it misogynistic, racist, and brutal, but it was also sexist. It was quite frightening. And it’s still quite frightening.

Music and modeling

What then did Paris do? She chose to go her own path and began her career as a model. She’s really talented at it, too!

She has appeared on the covers of several of the most important magazines in the world recently, including Rolling Stone, Vogue, and Narcisse, to mention a few.

Modeling is a very natural and soothing activity for Paris. Many people were taken aback by her father’s transformation after numerous plastic procedures. But Paris is aware of his decision in this day and age of social media and cyberbullying.

She admitted, “I’ve struggled with low self-esteem for a very, very long time.” “There are many who believe I’m ugly and many who don’t.” However, there’s a point throughout my modeling career when I set aside my concerns about my self-worth and concentrate on what the photographer is saying, and I feel beautiful. And it’s self-serving in that regard.

Paris’s Instagram profile gives her followers a glimpse into her life; she appears to enjoy hanging out with her pals and experiencing all the things in life that she wasn’t able to do when she was younger.

released her debut record.

2020 saw the publication of her debut album Wilted, continuing her father’s musical legacy. Paris Jackson is a musician, but her CD is more indie folk than pop or R&B, which was her father’s specialty.

“It’s basically just a story about love and heartbreak in general, and the feelings and thoughts that follow when things don’t work out,” she said.

Paris Jackson claims to be well versed in all of her father’s song lyrics, having grown up listening to his music. It goes without saying that she was affected by Michael Jackson’s musical choices at the same time as she developed her own style.

She claims that in addition to Motown music, “he loved classical music, jazz, hip-hop, R&B, and obviously the stuff.”

Paris Jackson has more than 50 tattoos on her body as a memorial to her father. Michael Jackson has nine of them dedicated to him.

Rather of holding out hope that things may get better with time, she has learnt to deal with the tragic loss of her father.

She is aware that Michael Jackson will always be by her side since she recalls him coming to her in nightmares.

She said, “I approach life with the mindset that, okay, I lost the only thing that has ever meant anything to me.” Therefore, anything negative that occurs in the future cannot be nearly as terrible as what occurred previously. so that I’m capable of handling it.

“I always feel his presence with me.”

There’s little doubt that people who have lost parents may identify with Paris and the suffering she is going through. No one, though, has experienced childhood quite like Paris Jackson did.

We’re overjoyed that she may finally go about her life without worrying about being followed around by photographers. Good luck, Paris!

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