Often the cutest baby moments happen while the camera is out of reach. But sometimes, a parent’s perfect timing can produce a priceless experience that you will cherish for years. This baby twin duet in the video serves as an example of this.

Twins, wrapped in blankets, gaze upwards at the camera. When they hear their mother sing over them, they make the sweetest faces. Their lips begin to move and their features begin to twist. At last, they join their mother Natalie in singing.
The mother claims, “Our precious infant twins have been hearing this music since they were in the womb.” Natalie Ledbetter provided written assistance. Although they were born preterm, their adjusted age was only two months, therefore even though they appeared to be four months old in this video!

With wide eyes, the twins stare at their mother while they listen intently. As she sings, they make adorable little smiles and funny faces. She is singing to them, and they are all staring at her.
When I started singing, they instantly lit up and understood exactly what to do, according to Natalie. As expected, the twins begin to converse. They try to construct words by making noises and twiddling their lips.

Around two months of age, a parent or caregiver should expect to hear their infant vocalize. They are able to “gurgle” and “coo.” Like the twins in this video, some babies make vowel sounds.
Babies use sounds in addition to smiles to communicate. They commonly imitate their parent’s facial expressions while they wait for an adult response. The twins desired to mimic every aspect of the song, including the shape of their lips. It’s the daily dosage of sweetness that we all need!