Mother Expresses Anger As Her Son’s School Snack Is Discarded For Being Deemed Unhealthy

Eating healthily is important for maintaining a fit body and overall physical well-being, but it’s not always as simple and easy as it seems. Most of us barely have time to eat because of our busy schedules, and it’s frequently nearly impossible to cook it ourselves.

However, we try our hardest to instill a nutritious diet in our kids from a young age so that it becomes a habit.

However, a Canadian mother claimed that the school personnel had gone too far when they tossed away her little son’s home-brought lunch because they thought it was harmful.

Durham Catholic District School began serving solely healthy food to the children as part of a healthy eating initiative. They requested that parents support this initiative and be mindful of what they pack in their kids’ lunchboxes.

This mother therefore gave her son a piece of banana bread, which he adored. She was shocked to learn that the teacher thought the chocolate chip option was bad, so she just took it and flung it in front of everyone. That day, the distraught four-year-old boy had grapes for lunch because that’s all he had left after his meal was taken away.

Mother Elaina Daoust was furious that her kid had to endure such a terrible ordeal.

“He told me he and the teacher talked about it and healthy choices when he came home with a chart listing ideas for healthy snacks.” She wrote me a note, too. Elaina told The Star, “I was really, really, really angry for a number of reasons.

The school officials prohibited the consumption of certain foods within the facility, including but not limited to Goldfish crackers, juice boxes, granola bars, chocolate milk, string cheese, and fruit snacks.

It turned out that about thirty other parents reported that their children had also been left without lunch, so Elaina’s boy wasn’t the only one.

However, since healthy eating is now covered in the curriculum and children must learn to discriminate between what is and is not healthy, the school feels that they have every right to take the kids’ harmful food.

James MacKinnon, a teaching and learning consultant with the school board, asserts that “nowhere in our policy or procedures does our staff are allowed to take food away from a student,” indicating that not everyone agrees with the school’s stance.

How do you feel about the policies of this school? If you were this mom, how would you respond? Please let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.

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