It may seem unbelievable that this handsome man is Georgian. In his native country, he is well-known for his singing. He was born with albinism, a rare disease.

The 28-year-old Bera Ivanishvili looks really adorable and fantastic because to his extraordinarily white complexion, hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Despite his peculiar appearance, he managed to fall in love and raise a loving family. The successor of the marriage had blue eyes.

The infant’s sole physical resemblance to his father is his blue eyes, and else, he is in perfect condition. Because he cherishes his son, the father arranges many photo shoots with him. Many of the family’s fans appreciate every post and offer kind comments.

“Such a wonderful young man,” “Extremely lovely family,” The throng remarks, “Handsome man,” “Happy to you!” and “Give birth to more children, they are beautiful.”

What do you think of the adorable family? Do you have any experience with albinos?