Simply put, there are no words to describe how I am feeling right now. That is what your heart yearns for as a mother.
When they learned the touching tale of a youngster with Down syndrome who was turned down by a woman he asked to be his date for the homecoming, the FOX5 Surprise Squad decided to do everything in their power to make this child’s prom the most memorable day of his life.
17-year-old Daniel Rivas was prepared to attend his prom alone when a miraculous event took place.

Kyle Fronius suggested that he be her nighttime companion. She is a stunning young lady with a kind heart who never thought Daniel was impaired. She believes that students like him are simply regular individuals who study in a different manner from the other students. The way this girl views the world makes her remarkable.

Even Daniel’s mother, Tonya, was touched by the thoughtful act. What Kylie did for her son was amazing. Tonya was relieved to know that her son was unrestricted in the eyes of someone else.

Once they knew the whole truth, the Fox5 Surprise Squad could start planning the shocks for Daniel and Kylie. Given how remarkable it was, the teenagers will always remember what they did for them. It was clear that they deserved each and every gift that they were about to get.

Monika Jackson told the young kids how their story had touched the hearts of many when she first met them. The first of several surprises was a huge Rolls Royce that will take the newlyweds to the dance in style.

But before going to the homecoming, they went to Bistro 57 and had a delicious treat. Tonya had driven by that place many times before, but she had never had the chance or the money to go there.

As they arrived at the venue where the party was place, they couldn’t believe a red carpet was waiting for them. They were very happy and felt like stars, as evidenced by their smiles. This evening was simply wonderful.
The amazing incident, however, continued after that. Everyone cheered and turned to watch them as they were told that they had won paid visits to Disneyland.

But the biggest surprise was yet to come. Since it was published on Fox’s YouTube page, the story of these youngsters has received more than 4.8 million views.
This story teaches us that since we are all human, we should treat everyone fairly and that no one should be superior to another. It also demonstrates how a tiny act of kindness can have a significant impact and even change someone’s life.