A woman gave birth to a son that weighed 6 kg, making him one of the heaviest babies ever.

The kid was delivered so fast and easily despite his enormous size.

Learn more about Lucas, one of Australia’s largest newborns who weighs approximately 13 pounds (5.9 kg).

Even though the baby was big, it was born very fast and painlessly.

The child is a woman’s second child.

A year ago, she gave birth to the first boy, who was also extremely large.

Nina Tassell, her mother, who is 38 years old, claimed that her son was born so swiftly that they hardly had time to travel to the hospital.

The woman claimed that she and her husband, Adam, were together when she sensed the impending birth of the child.

They were on their way to St. John the Theologian Hospital when the mom noticed the child was pushing.

Lucas made the decision to arrive in the front seat of their vehicle.

Since the loving but bewildered husband was forced to deliver the baby in the automobile, they will never forget this day.

The most amusing part of this tale is how Nina Sonya Ason’s daughter-in-law helped her prepare for a special occasion.

Sonya had to give her instructions over the phone after Nina informed her that their original intentions had changed.

As a result, the Trinity was able to do the birth before the physicians arrived to save the situation.

When the kid weighs almost 6 kg, extreme instances and dangerous births are also taken into account.

Thankfully, the infant was born healthy, and he is currently unhurt and intact!

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